Woolworths Squash specials in this weeks catalogues
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Squash weekly deals in Woolworths
At Woolworths you will find a wide range of goods. On top of that, you'll also get access to Squash weekly deals!
Squash is currently at a reduced price in Woolworths . Don't miss out on this great saving.
In the Woolworths flyer, you will find many other great deals in addition to Squash.
Milk, Butter, Cheese, Yoghurt and Eggs is at a discounted price this week too!
Can't find Squash in the Woolworths flyer on sale? Or are you looking for bigger savings? Try browsing our other online flyers this week or next week from the category Grocery. Check out these popular shops Stratco, Drakes and Cheap as Chips.
If you want to save, don't forget to check out the special offers on Kimbino.com.au before going shopping. Access all the special deals in one place, download our Kimbino app.